The site configuration file

The file called _site.toml in the source directory can be used to set configuration parameters used by Flourish's code and in templates. It is not a requirement unless you are using a generator that needs specific keys set.

Required by generators

  • AtomGenerator

    author = 'Wendy Testaburger'
    base_url = ''
    title = 'Wendyblog'

    In order to generate valid Atom feeds, the AtomGenerator needs three values:

    • author is used in the <author> element at the root of the Atom feed, and is used as the default author name for each entry (but can be overridden)
    • base_url is prepended to the paths of entries in the Atom feed
    • title is used in the <title> element at the root of the Atom feed.

Optional keys

There are other keys that Flourish will treat as having special meaning.

  • future

    toml future = false

    If future is set to false, any source that has a publication date that is in the future at the point the site is generated will be ignored.

    By default future publications are included.

  • bucket

    toml bucket = 'some.bucket'

    When using flourish upload to push changes to an Amazon S3 bucket, this setting tells Flourish what bucket to use.

  • cloudfront_id

    toml cloudfront_id = 'E3ZZZZSOMETHING'

    When using flourish upload --invalidate to push changes to an Amazon S3 bucket that is behind a CloudFront distribution, this setting tells Flourish what the distribution ID is.

  • permanent_redirects

    toml [permanent_redirects] "/index.php" = "/"

    Any path declared under permanent_redirects will be served as a 301 Moved Permanently response by the Flourish preview server, and by S3/CloudFront after the site is uploaded.

  • 404_page

    404_page = '/not_found'

    If you are producing a custom 404 page, you can tell Flourish's preview server to serve it instead of the default 404 error.

Using in templates

The values in the file are made available to all templates under the site key. For example, a site's footer could include:

  <p>Copyright {{global.copyright_year_range}} {{}}.</p>