Flourish API: flourish.generators.base.PaginatedIndexGenerator

PaginatedIndexGenerator is the class for generating paginated pages that contain lists of sources. For example: a series of list of links such as site archives.

Other than as noted below, it behaves the same as IndexGenerator.

from flourish.generators import base

        name = 'all-paginated',
        path = '/all/',

Class attributes

  • limit — This generator should return no more than limit sources.
  • order_by — This generator should sort matching sources in this way. Default value is None.
  • per_page — This generator should include this many source objects in each paginated output page. The default value is 10.
  • sources_exclude — This generator should exclude sources that match this filter. Default value is None.
  • sources_filter — This generator should only use sources that match this filter; see Filtering down to specific sources. Default value is None.
  • template_name — This generator should use this template when rendering the content. Default value is index.html.

Template context variables

  • current_page — the Page instance for this single page within the set of pages
  • current_url — the URL of this page
  • objects — a list of all matching source objects for the current URL
  • pages — a list of all matching source objects for the current URL
  • pagination — the Paginator instance for this set of pages
  • site — a dictionary containing all of the keys in the _site.toml configuration file

Generator method flow

PaginatedIndexGenerator modifies the usual generator method flow as follows:



Finds the matching URL tokens for the URL, and for each set determines the URL (and hence, where to write the output page to), fetches the matching source objects, paginates them, and for every page outputs what is generated to a file.

get_paginated_objects(tokens, base_url)

Fetches the list of source objects that match the current URL tokens, after having already fetched the filtered sources — ie. the results of calling filtered_sources.filter(**tokens) — and then paginates them, returning a Paginator object.


Returns the number of source objects to have on each page.


Adds current_page and pagination to the template context data.