Flourish API: flourish.generators.base.BaseGenerator

BaseGenerator contains the majority of Flourish's page generation code, and should be easily subclassable where code needs to alter the default manner of generating pages.

Class attributes

  • limit — This generator should return no more than limit sources.
  • order_by — This generator should sort matching sources in this way. Default value is None.
  • sources_exclude — This generator should exclude sources that match this filter. Default value is None.
  • sources_filter — This generator should only use sources that match this filter; see Filtering down to specific sources. Default value is None.
  • template_name — This generator should use this template when rendering the content. Default value is None.

Context variables

  • current_url — the URL of this page
  • objects — a list of all matching source objects for the current URL
  • site — a dictionary containing all of the keys in the _site.toml configuration file

Generator method flow

When the generator is instantiated from generate.py, setup() is called and Flourish passes itself in as an argument so the generator can store the reference for later use.

When page generation starts, Flourish calls generate(), which causes the following things to be run in order:


Generate all possible pages for a given page type.

Unless given a subset of tokens to use, it fetches all matching URL tokens for the URL. For each set of tokens, call generate_path to generate a single page.


Checks the current URL against all sources to find the list of matching tokens to substitute into the URL.

For example, with a single source document:

title = 'Blog Post'
tag = ['post', 'introduction']

and a URL of /tags/#tag, it would return a structure:

    {'tag': 'introduction', },
    {'tag': 'post', },


Calls get_current_url to determine the page to be generated, get_objects to get the sources that match the tokens, and output_to_file to create the page.


Works out the URL to be generated, based upon the URL tokens.

To continue the above example, it would return /tags/introduction for the first set of tokens, and /tags/post for the second.


Returns the list of source objects that match the current URL tokens, after having already fetched the filtered sources — ie. the results of calling filtered_sources.filter(**tokens).


Returns all source objects that match the current filter applied by the view.

If the class has an attribute of sources_filter, then only source objects matching this will be used as possible objects for the generator. See Filtering down to specific sources.

If sources_filter is not set, then all source objects will be used.


Returns the ordering for the source objects. See Ordering sources.


Gets the filename to write the output to, and the output, and writes the file (creating any subdirectories of the output directory as needed).


Returns the filename to be used, based on the current URL.

For example, with a URL of /tags/introduction, this would return /tags/introduction.html.


Returns the output for this page by getting the data to be used in the template's context, getting the template and rendering the template with the context data.


Returns the data to be used in the template's context.


Returns the template to use to render the page. Raises a MissingValue exception if get_template_name() returns no value.


Returns the name of the template to use to render the page, which is unset in BaseGenerator.

render_template(template, context_data)

Returns the rendered output of applying the context data to the template.