Flourish API: flourish

To create a Flourish instance:

from flourish import Flourish

# assume default named directories located in current working directory
fl = Flourish()

# differently named directories
fl = Flourish(

Finding sources

# get a SourceList object
sources = fl.sources

# get all sources
for source in fl.sources.all():

# get sources published before 2016
for source in fl.sources.filter(published__lte=date(2016, 1, 1))

flourish.sources will return a SourceList object, which can be used to query the sources in a number of ways.

Adding paths

Source URLs

fl.canonical_source_url('/#slug', code_ref)

Adds the URL for all sources. The parameters are:

  1. the URL path, including the token (see URL paths)
  2. the code that will generate these pages (see Generating the HTML)

Other URLs

fl.add_url('/tags/#tag', 'tag-page', code_ref)

Adds a URL. The parameters are: the URL path, including the token

  1. the URL path, including the token (see URL paths)
  2. a string as a symbolic name for this URL (see Finding URLs)
  3. the code that will generate these pages (see Generating the HTML)

Finding URLs

Resolving a single URL

fl.resolve_url('source', slug='about/flourish')
fl.resolve_url('month-page', year=2012, month=6)

Return the URL for a given symbolic name. If the URL contains tokens (see URL paths) they need to be passed as arguments, or the URL will not resolve.

Resolving many URLs


Returns a list of all of the valid arguments (as key/value pairs) for a given symbolic name. Each item in the list can be passed to resolve_url() to get a URL.

Generating the website

fl.generate_url('homepage', report=True)

Generate the named URL. The optional argument report will make Flourish list each generated output file when it is set to True.


Copy all assets to the output directory. The optional argument report will make Flourish list each asset file copied when it is set to True.


This first wipes the output directory, then generates every URL that Flourish knows about, then copies over all assets from the source directory.