Flourish API: flourish.generators.atom.CSVGenerator

CSVGenerator is the class for generating a CSV file based on sources.

Other than as noted below, it behaves the same as BaseGenerator.

from flourish.generators import csv

        name = 'csv-file',
        path = '/index.csv',

Class attributes

  • fields — The source fields to include in the CSV file. Default is ['title', 'published'].
  • order_by — This generator should sort matching sources in this way. Default value is -published (most-recent first).
  • sources_exclude — This generator should exclude sources that match this filter. Default value is None.
  • sources_filter — This generator should only use sources that match this filter; see Filtering down to specific sources. Default value is None.



Generates the CSV file by looping over the source objects and calling get_row to build the CSV.

Bypasses render_output entirely.


Returns a list of fields that should be included in the CSV. Override this method if you need more control than setting the fields class attribute.


Returns a dictionary of fields and their values. Override this method if you need to more than look up the values from the source object.

get_field_value(object, field)

Returns the value of the field in the source object. By default will turn a list of strings (eg tags) into a colon-delimited string. Override this method if you need to alter values from the source object.


Not called.


Not called.


Not called.


Not called.

render_template(template, context_data)

Not called.